Copyright 1998, 1999, 2010 by John Robert Gardner

Non-profit use of these materials is permitted with proper citation only. A single copy may be made for research use only, with no duplications permitted.

Format for Internet Citations

To cite files available for viewing/downloading via the World Wide Web, give the author's name (if known), the full title of the work in quotation marks, the title of the complete work if applicable in italics, the document date if known and if different from the date accessed, the full http address, and the date of visit. A more detailed list of electronic citation resources can be found on this site in the methods and technology page. Note that, as of 2009, it is no longer necessary to give the URL if the resource can be found elsewhere than on the internet. Additional examples from the Chicago Manual of Style Online can be found at the bottom of the page here, and cf. example below:
    Vedavid Online Indology Resources, ed. John Robert Gardner,<whatever-page-you-cite.html>, (accessed